Friday, March 8, 2013

Is it maybe time to retire or rename this blog?

I started this blog as my kosher journey. The end result was supposed to be living a more orthodox lifestyle including proper observance of Shabbos and the laws of kashrut. However, we pulled into the "more observant and in touch with our faith, but keeping kosher only in the house" station and it seems that is as far as this train travels. It's a nice place, and I can see making this my final destination. I've visited the areas around the more observant stations and for the most part, they are all very nice. But I haven't actually found a "home" in any of those places. Here, for now, I'm comfortable. I'm looking to learn more about my faith and study the Torah more to discuss the parshas on a weekly basis. I'm happy with my "kosher-style" kitchen. I'm a little more lenient than I was and much more lenient outside than I was previously (my daughter ordered shrimp on our trip down to Florida and I kept my mouth shut).

I'm back to wearing pants and uncovering my hair. I've lost touch with the rabbi who was helping me with my learning.

I remain forever changed by my trip to Israel last year. I will always be changes by my experiences there. And by the lessons I learned. I have become more tolerant of people in general because of the "Chapter Three" lesson I learned in Israel.

But considering I'm no longer on this journey, or at least, have found a way station i am happy at, is it right to continue blogging about it?

Is it, maybe time to focus my energies on something else?