Thursday, March 31, 2011

Happiness is...

A supportive family and friends.


This past Sunday, my mum and dad were over for my dad's birthday and mum and I went to pick the girls up from Hebrew school.  My mum asked me a few questions regarding my conversion process, whether I would be upset if the roadblock (mentioned in an earlier post) becomes permanent and that I am unable to convert through the Bais Din.  I replied that I really didn't know.  But I do know that her questions were not out of animosity, but rather concern that I might not be able to 'handle' bad news.  I do understand where her concern lies and I appreciate it.

To that end, she has also been extremely supportive.  She does not keep a kosher home, and I don't expect her to start.  However, whenever we come over, she tells me if we're having dairy or meat, and does not mix them anymore.

She also told me that my sister asked for 'beef casserole' for her birthday (turkey, not beef, though) so that I would know that I can't eat it.   Beef casserole has cheese in it along with the meat.  So I sent her home with some leftovers so that that Sunday I would be able able to eat.

My friends are always asking if they come over, what they can bring.  My sister in law, who is coming for dinner tomorrow, with her family, is bringing a salad, and asked whether we'd be having meat or parve or milk. (Meat - chicken soup, etc.)

So, that's that then.

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