On my trip to Israel, we had several lectures as part of the trip.
One of the lectures/classes was called "The Kabbalah of You". In this class, we were told about the three personality types. Lori Palatnik spoke about the three types: Chaim, Bracha, Tov. Each one correlates to the three Fathers of Judaism - Issac, Abraham and Jacob.
Each personality type has a soul manifestation and a body manifestation and everyone has some of all 3. However, there is one soul manifestation and one body manifestation that is sort of your 'default'.
Lori also has this lecture on CD, which I've been listening in my car.
So I'll give you basics - because Lori really does this much more justice than I can.
Chaim corresponds to Life and to our Father Yakov (Jacob)
Soul Manifestation of Chaim
Chaim people are highly intelligent and 'out of the box' thinkers. They have a hard time with rules, structure and authority. They like to just think and tend to be introverted. they are the least socially adept an often feel like the odd person out. Even in their family. Chaims also have wonderful long-term memories (sound familiar?)
Body Manifestation of Chaim
A Chaim body is a thinking body. They are like walking barometers and are very aware of people. They are the type of person who will go into a shiva or to a funeral and you can practically wring the pain and emotion out of them. They sleep as an escape and can often become addicted to drugs or alcohol to dull the pain of the world around them.
Bracha corresponds to Blessing and to our Father Abraham.
Soul Manifestation of Bracha
Bracha is heart. They tend to be extroverted and see the glass as half full. They are not complex people and people are drawn to them because Brachas are drawn to people. They don't overthink and tend to skirt along the top of things.
Body Manifesation of Bracha
Bracha bodies are pleasure bodies. They are happy to sit in a hammock and watch the sun set for four hours. Brachas sleep for the pleasure of sleeping. They are one with the couch. Often late, they don't wear watches. Often described as lazy people (natch).
Tov corresponds to Good and our Father Isaac.
Soul Manifestation of Tov
Tovs get pleasure from doing the right thing. They follow rules because it's the right thing to do. There are two types - Judgemental and non-Judgemental. They are hard on other people and especially hard on themselves. They are leaders who stay in the game. They arrive exactly on time. They are tense and their children are often tense. They "invented" rules and regulations, structure and authority. Tovs run the world (Yep, Stephen Harper, Barak Obama, the Chancellor of Germany - all Tovs) People respect Tovs.
Body Manifestation of Tov
They are action people. They are accomplishers. They get pleasure from doing and are easily bored. They like to accomplish things and view sleep as a necessary evil - almost as a punishment.
So, where do I fall into all of this? I am a Chaim Bracha.
Anyone who knows me knows I am sarcastic, cynical and can have a dry sense of humour - however most people I know appreciate that (mostly). I do overthink things and often feel like the "odd one out". And don't get me started on my memory. Just ask my husband about it. That's my Soul.
My body is a Bracha. I am totally a Bracha body. I love sleep. I could spend an entire day with a book in a hammock and then stay and watch the sun set. Although I tend to be more or less on time, I don't wear a watch. (I think my timeliness has to do with my Chaim Soul and the little bit of Tov - since we have all 3 in us).
Where are you?
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