Friday, March 9, 2012

Things I miss since being Kosher... And some I don't

I was thinking about this the other day. There are a few food items that I do miss since becoming Kosher.

Bacon. I miss fatty juicy pork bacon. Yes I can find substitutes, but it's not the same.

Cheeseburgers. Especially bacon cheeseburgers. Again, there are substitutes, but they're not the same either.

Lobster. I didn't eat it much in my pre-kosher life, but I still miss it a bit. Now I understand why there are kosher versions.

What I don't miss... Shrimp. The one thing I thought I'd miss, I don't. There is a kosher version. And they're just fine.

I've learned how to kosherize some of my recipes, and having a dairy allergy makes it a lot easier since I substitute soy milk for regular milk most of the time anyway.

I'm actually surprised at how little I miss since becoming kosher. They're things that are not good for you anyway.

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