Thursday, June 7, 2012

It was truly "B'Sheret"

In the Jewish religion we often say that something was "B'Sheret" to say that it was meant to be. Or that it is Hashem's will.

Well, my story of "B'Sheret" happenings follows:

On Shavuot, we were invited to a friend's home for a party. Many women and their families who were on my trip last October were invited and some came. My husband was going to ask if we could skip the party as he was tired from helping his best friend prepare a party for his mother (the friend's mother) which we attended before the ice cream party, and the morning party and services we attended in the morning. But he decided he'd not say anything because he knew I wanted to go.

While there, and while I was chatting with the women, my husband was in the dining room chatting with some of the men. They were talking about their businesses and one gentleman started talking about his HR person and some problems he'd been having. Everyone at the table agreed on what actions he should take. My husband piped up "wait! I have the perfect person for this!!" and asked me to come join them. As an HR student and actively looking for work in the field, and having just finished my employment law course, I was only too happy to help out. I gave him some advice and he then asked to meet with me do he could show me some of the issues that he recorded. We exchanged email addresses and he contacted me immediately. We set up a meeting.

Well, the meeting has happened and the rest, as they say, is "B'Sheret". I start on Tuesday.

***UPDATE*** A technicality of my incomplete but in progress education caused me to not be able to start this job.

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