Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Throughout the journey I have undertaken, I have desired to go to Israel.  Of course, that's a lofty plan and expensive!!  Along came JWRP - the Jewish Women's Renaissance Project (http://www.jwrp.org/).  At first, I was told I didn't qualify - that I was actually too religious (I'm not shomer Shabbos, yet).  My sister in law and some friends went on the trip and I will admit - I was somewhat jealous. I wanted to go.  The JWRP trip is like Birthright - but for women only.  They do emphasize that their trip is geared towards women with school-age children. 

Then I got an "invite" through Facebook to go on the October JWRP trip.  My Rebbetzin asked if I had applied and I said that I didn't qualify, based on what someone had previously told me.  She said she'd call the Rebbetzin in charge of the trip and find out for me.  Lo and behold, I qualified!!  I immediately applied, interviewed and began the arduous task of waiting to hear if I'd been accepted.

I am happy to report that on October 23, 2011, I will be heading to Pearson Airport to board a flight to Israel as part of the JWRP Transform and Grow Mission trip!!!  Nine days in Israel - an action packed trip.  The one "gulp" factor - the morning we have to be at breakfast for 6AM.  I don't do early morning very well.   I am so honoured to be among those who will be able to experience this incredible program.

89 more sleeps...