Sunday, April 24, 2011

My First Passover

Okay - I know it's not exactly my FIRST Passover.  I mean I have been observing/celebrating Passover to some extent my entire life.  But this is the first Passover I have actually observed much more than I ever have before.  This year we switched pots and pans, dishes, I emptied my pantry, I even sold my chametz through the shul.

The seders were the same - though this year I had a discussion with my uncle that was far more theological than we have ever had in a discussion.  We were able to converse on a whole different plane. I have a much better understanding and appreciation of my uncle.

I will admit I'm looking forward to getting back to eating a regular diet - but considering we were quite lacking in left-overs, I actually have had to cook, and believe me - it's nice to have to!!  Last night I made chicken fingers which I dipped in eggs and mazto meal, which I flavoured, and potato wedges. We cleared the plate! (well, actually, we left two fingers on the plate)

I also made a beef pie. I had leftover potatoes from the first seder - so I used that as the crust.  It is literally just mashed potatoes and beef stew.  Yummy yummy!!

Just a couple more days and we're back to normal.

1 comment:

  1. I would certainly welcome any further discussions with you.

    Your girls were such a pleasure.
