Friday, March 9, 2012

Shabbos in the Sunny South

So, we're on holiday and staying with my inlaws. They are not kosher and not shomer Shabbos. How are we going to do this? Well, for starters, we aren't quite shomer Shabbos, so we won't enforce the rules with the kids. The main tv is in the room my Matthew and I are sleeping in, so it'll likely be on. While they are doing that, I will likely read - I brought my tehillim and I have other reading books. Tomorrow, by the pool, I'll read instead of doing crosswords. I am making challah this morning, with my mother in law, who has never made challah before and I'll make soup. Dinner will be easy - a precooked chicken, some roasted potatoes, salad, etc.

Tomorrow will be a relaxing day, sitting by the pool and whatever.

Shabbat shalom everyone!!!

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