Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A Bit of a Double Standard?

If the Olympics have taught me one thing this year it's how intolerant people are of one another. I say this with a sweeping generality.

Stories from these Games keep coming out. I think these Games may be the most historical. Especially in terms of intolerance.

This years' Games feature female athletes (or is it 'athlete'?) from Saudi Arabia. Not a country known for its reverence towards women. I posted about the athlete not being able to wear her hijab during competition. Well, in true bureaucratic style, the IJF backed down and agreed on a mutually agreed upon head covering.

And female beach volleyball participants were told that they could opt to wear long sleeves when competing in case they feel that they may be "too cold" with London's weather. I've been to London in August. It's hot! Many people say its to appease Islamic men because normally, beach volleyball is played in bikinis.

Now, I'm not condoning Islam in any way. But I got to thinking about some parallels between Orthodox women and Islamic women and wonder why there is so much of a uproar about Islamic men and some and their "backwards ways". Is there not a bit of a double standard?

Islamic women are expected to dress modestly and cover their hair.

So are Orthodox women.

Islamic women are not to meet with men who are not their husbands alone.

Neither are Orthodox women, really.

Islamic women may not touch another man who is not her husband, brother or father.

Neither may Orthodox women.

Now, contrasts I know about are that in Saudi Arabia, women are not allowed to operate a motor vehicle.

As far as I know, that is not a restriction placed on Orthodox women except on Shabbos and Yom Tov. When observant is supposed to drive.

Islamic women have limited access to higher education.

I believe Mayim Bialik, a prominent actress and observant Jewish woman, also holds a degree in neuroscience. So clearly, educational advancement is encouraged. Or at least, not denied or frowned upon.

These are merely a few examples and a very basic and generalized list. Please feel free to respectfully correct any misinformation I may be disseminating.

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